Pupil Premium

Deanery Careers Fayre 19th March for Years 9, 10, and 11

The Deanery Open Morning (for current year 6 pupils and parents) Thursday 20th March 9:30-11:00am 

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium grant is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It is a school-level grant that gives schools extra resources to help overcome the addtional barriers faced by certain children, including challenges arising from deprivation.

Schools receive this additional funding for students who fall within the below categories or have done so at any time within the last six years:

  • Eligible for free school meals
  • Receiving a child pension from the Ministry of Defence
  • A looked after child
  • Adopted from care or have entered into special guardianship
  • Have a residence order
  • Children from the families of services personnel (at any stage in the last four years)
It is allocated for schools to:
  • improve the academic outcomes of disadvantaged students of all abilities
  • close the attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their peers across the country
  • Schools receive funding for each disadvantaged student and can use the funding flexibly, in the best interests of eligible students.

A longer term strategy

From September 2019 schools are encouraged to include a reference to a multi-year strategy that outlines how the school aims to address the needs of Pupil Premium students across all age ranges at the school. This will help school leaders to:

  • take a longer view of the support the grant will provide as students pass through the school;
  • align their plans with the wider school improvement strategy.

The Deanery CE Academy

We are committed to our core remit of providing an outstanding educational experience. Raising the attainment of disadvantaged students is part of our commitment to help all students achieve their full potential.  We are committed to our Christian values and ethos, and strive to ensure all our students receive the same high-quality education, regardless of their background for we are “all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28).

We aim for:
  • all students to be recognised as precious children of God and disadvantaged students are to be given to same opportunities and support as any other student;
  • all students to enjoy their learning, attain high outcomes and be helped to become confident individuals and responsible citizens whilst making excellent progress in all respects;
  • all students to enjoy their learning, attain high outcomes and be helped to become confident individuals and responsible citizens whilst making excellent progress in all respects;
  • all students to benefit from an inclusive ethos, excellent teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by strong leadership;
  • all students to be supported and encouraged to lead healthy and active lives in accordance with our inclusive Christian ethos and teachings of The Church.

Pupil Premium Strategy at The Deanery CE Academy 

Pupil Premium funding at The Deanery CE Academy is used primarily to address the following priorities:
  • To narrow the progress gap between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium students;
  • To promote better attendance rates for Pupil Premium students;
  • To develop the aspirations of Pupil Premium students regardless of their disadvantaged starting point;
  • To reduce the number of pupil premium students who receive a Fixed Term Exclusion and therefore lose learning time;
  • To ensure colleagues are fully aware of Pupil Premium students’ needs, including their access to resources at home, so gaps in knowledge can be minimised.

We review our Pupil Premium initiatives on a regular basis to ensure they are having the desired positive impact. Each year we plan priorities for this year’s expenditure based on the cohort of eligible student.

Accessing the Pupil Premium funding at The Deanery CE Academy 

Funding is allocated to the school based on an annual census. It is important that if you think your child is eligible for Pupil Premium support, you must contact the school office for more information. Individual requests for financial support for school-based activities are considered by the Principal. Requests can be made via the school office. 


Pupil Premium Strategy

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number