Home Study Projects
Home Learning Projects
Any students that are self-isolating can complete the projects below. Students should choose from the menu of activities.
Do I need to do every task?
The tasks are designed so that there is overlap between a number of subjects, so that you will use knowledge and skills from a range of different subject areas. If you have a passion and interest in a particular area, then please do spend more time on that piece of work but try and complete a range of different tasks.
How long should I spend on all of the tasks?
You should try to keep to spending the number of hours you would usually work in school. You do not have to try and complete everything so that it means that you are working from 8.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m., for instance. You should continue to maintain a good balance between school work and hobbies/interests that help you relax.
What should I do about Maths and PE?
You should continue to use Hegarty Maths. Ideally you should try and login daily for at least 20-30 minutes. In terms of PE, we would encourage you to continue to remain active via your daily exercise outside.
What do I do it I do not have access to a computer?
We can send out the task sheets to you each week, if you can not access them. Please email admin@deanerycofeacademy.org.uk to request a copy. During the week, you can use other resources to help you complete the tasks including watching relevant television programmes, books and magazines.