

The Deanery Church of England Academy Open Morning

Thursday 17th October 2024, 9.15 - 11.15am

We would like to invite parents of prospective pupils in year 5 and 6, to our Open Morning.  You will be able to see the school in action, visit classrooms and view the modern building and excellent facilities The Deanery has to offer. Tours will be led by Senior Leadership Team members and our pupil ambassadors, who will be available to answer any questions you might have.

The morning will also include short introduction from Executive Principal Mr Young, on the excellent opportunities The Deanery has to offer your child.

If you would like to attend, please follow the link below to make your booking.


The Deanery Church of England Academy

Peglars Way




Tel: 01793 236611



Welcome to the Science Faculty “The important thing is to never stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

“A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.” ( National Curriculum – England)


The Science Faculty is a thriving and active part of the Deanery CE Academy community. We support our students in building their Science Capital from the excitement of their first lesson in Year 7 all the way on their journey through to their GCSE’s. Learners enjoy developing their skills through a range of experiments and investigations allowing them to discover key concepts of Science and ignite a passion for Science. Teachers use a variety of research-led activities to help share their passion for the subject, whilst instilling a firm grasp of the methodology and experimental design that is at the centre of all good scientific research.


Science Curriculum Vision

At the Deanery, our focus is discovering and learning together so that all can flourish. Within Science, we provide every opportunity for our learners to discover through practical lessons, allowing them to develop their understanding through experiments of their own design. Strong cross-curricular links also allow students to relate their lessons to other subjects including Maths, Geography, History and Technology and PE. Working with other faculties allows for cohesive learning styles that synoptically link all subjects for a deeper understanding of lesson context. A strong combination of practical skills and real world context embedded in the lessons ensures students understand why they are studying these topics and provides them with a deeper enjoyment of their lessons. All our staff are dedicated and passionate Scientists from a variety of Science backgrounds, giving our students an enriching and broad array of specialty knowledge. Our goal is to create scientifically literate learners who never stop asking questions. We strive to broaden our students’ understanding of the world so that they can have a greater appreciation for our universe and arm them with the skills and problem solving techniques that will benefit them in not just Science but any career they choose to pursue.

Learning Journey – Year 7 to Year 11


Biology is the study of life and living organisms.  It looks at the world from a very small sub-microscopic level up to a global scale.  Biology investigates the ways in which organisms function to stay alive and how they interact with each other and the environment around them. 

Biology is a living subject and there are always new discoveries and developments being made especially in the areas of health and the environment.  Even as you read this there are thousands of chemical reactions taking place in your body which are keeping you alive. 


Chemistry is a practical subject which allows you to observe chemical changes as well as learning some of the higher level skills that can be adapted to be used in a workplace in the 21st century. 

Chemistry investigates the internal structures of the things around us, how the earth has changed since the big bang and carries out lots of experiments.


Physics is the study of the whole universe.  It begins by suggesting theories to explain the world around us and extends to consider the range from space down to the sub-atomic level.  You will need to use a large range of skills including: logical thinking, practical and experimental skills alongside mathematical and communication skills. 

Physics is at the heart of many scientific breakthroughs, past and present, that have shaped our everyday lives and as a result modern society depends heavily on the contributions made by Physicists.  Where would you be without your mobile phone, iPod, TV or favourite games console? 

Key Stage 3 Science – Years 7 to 9

In years, 7 to 9 learners follow a tailor made Key Stage 3 curriculum that provides a solid foundation for GCSE preparation. Learners are taught all three sciences in mixed ability groups and complete end of module milestones (assessments) to help them prepare for the demands of future examinations so that learners can flourish.  All our Key Stage 3 modules are designed to introduce learners to STEM and STEM related careers and build into the GCSE modules.  All GCSE Science courses start at the beginning of term 4 in Year 9.



Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


7.2 Cells

8.3 Plants

9.1 Genetics


7.5 Organ Systems

8.6 Digestion and Respiration

9.4 Disease


7.8 Reproduction

8.9 Ecosystems







7.3 Matter

8.1 Acids & Alkalis

9.2 Useful Materials


7.6 Separation

8.4 Chemical Reactions



7.9 Elements

8.7 Earth Science







7.4 Forces

8.2 Electricity & Magnetism

9.3 Energy & Motion


7.7 Energy

8.5 Forces



7.10 Waves

8.8 Space







KS3 Curriculum Maps

Key Stage 4 Science – Year 9 to 11

Learners experience a wide range of new topics and skills at KS4 whilst following the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy or Separate Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications. Each topic strand links intrinsically to prior knowledge and skills from KS3 and builds in terms of complexity, skills and application. Our aim is that all leaners should leave the academy being able to understand and explain the scientific world around them and more importantly are equipped with the skills to problem solve and critically evaluate scientific information and data. 


To support this, Knowledge Organisers (KO) have been aligned with the present curriculum narrative and have been embedded into the curriculum structure to ensure that this meets the need for improving literacy and provides opportunities for retrieval practice. This ensures that new key language is introduced, explained and modelled using prior learning. Assessment of learners’ understanding of the curriculum is constant and low stake. This is completed using multiple-choice checkpoints, Do Now Activities (DNA) and What have I learnt today (WHILT). The aim of this assessment is to feed directly into planning so that lessons are personalised to meet the needs of all learners. 


AQA GCSE Combined Science - Trilogy

Those Learners following the Combined Science Trilogy route will complete 6 exams at the end of year 11 (2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics), each paper is 1 hour 15 minutes in duration. The qualification will be graded on a 17-point scale as follows: 1-1 to 9-9 where 9-9 is the best grade. This qualification is equivalent to 2 GCSE's and will be taught by two teachers over two years. Foundation and higher tier papers are available.


There is no coursework aspect of this course. Instead, students will complete required practicals that are integrated within the scheme of work. The content and skills covered in these practicals will be tested in the final written assessments.

Further information about this qualification can be found on the AQA website

AQA GCSE Combined Science



AQA GCSE Separate Sciences – Biology - 8461, Chemistry – 8462 and Physics - 8463

The three science GCSEs are all assessed at the end of Year 11. Final grades for the biology, chemistry and physics GCSEs are gained from two 1 hour and 45 minute exams (six science examinations in total). Learners will be awarded separate qualifications in biology, chemistry and physics and therefore could attain the same grade in all three or attain different grades depending on their performance. There is no coursework or controlled assessment component to the GCSE in science. Learners will be taught practical skills as part of their study of the course and these skills are assessed in the written papers.

KEY Stage 4 Science Curriculum

Year 9 Science Content


Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


B1 - Cell Structure and Transport

B8 - Photosynthesis

B9 - Respiration


C1 - Atomic Structure





P3 - Energy Resources

P6 - Density










Year 10 Science Content


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


B3 - Digestive System

B4 - Plant and Organ Systems

B2 - Cell Cycle

B5 - Communicable Disease

B6 - Treating Disease

B16 - Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition






B7 - Non-communicable disease



C2 - Periodic Table

C3 - Structure & Bonding


C5 - Chemical Changes

C6 - Electrolysis

C7 - Energy Changes

C4 - Chemical Calculation



P1 - Conservation and dissipation of energy

P2 - Energy Transfer by Heating

P7 -  Radioactivity

P4 - Electric Circuits/ P5 - Electricity in the Home

P6 - Molecules and Matter



Year 11 Science Content


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


B17 - Organizing and Ecosystem

B13 - Reproduction

B14 - Variation and Evolution

B15 - Genetics and Evolution

B11 - Hormonal Coordination

(Triple) B12 -Homeostasis


B18 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems



B10 Human Nervous System




C8 - Rates

C9 - Crude Oil

(Triple) C10 - Organic Reactions

(Triple) C11 - Polymers


C12 - Chemical Analysis

C13 - The Earth’s Atmosphere

C14 - The Earth’s Resources

(Triple) C15 - Using our Resources



P8 – Forces in Balance

P9 - Motion


P12 – Wave Properties

P15 - Electromagnetism




P10 – Force & Motion

(Triple) P11 – Force & Pressure

P13 – Electromagnetic Spectrum

Triple) P14 – Light

(Triple) P16 - Space



Knowledge Organisers

Year 10 Biology

Year 10 Chemistry

Year 10 Physics


At The Deanery, enrichment provides an opportunity to run STEM Clubs which are a powerful and enjoyable way to engage our young people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Current enrichments include:

  • K'Nex club - bridge design - Students learn about thee art and science of bridge building while creating replicas of real-world bridges. 
  • Bronze CREST Awards - Bronze Awards introduce students to project work empowering them to work like real scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians. Students choose their own topic and methodologies, giving them complete freedom over their work. (see website for more details) 
  • Silver CREST Awards - Silver Awards are designed to stretch students and enrich their STEM studies. Students develop their own project idea and gain in-depth experience of the scientific method or engineering design process. (see wesbite for more details)
  • Upcycling - “The act of taking something no longer in use and giving it a second life and new function. In doing so, the finished product often becomes more practical, valuable and beautiful than what it previously was.” Examples of our students work are shown in the gallery at the bottom of the page. 

We have also been very lucky to host a number of external visitors, including: 

  • Greg Foot, BBC science presenter. 
  • Steve Swanson, NASA Astronaut; 
  • "Gases in the Air". A chemistry lecture by Prof Tim Harrison; 
  • Honda workshops. 

Independent Learning Resources

Key Stage 3  - Various resources are available

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3


Key Stage 4  - Various resources are available


BBC Bitesize Key Stage 4

Physics and Maths Tutor

Physics and Maths Past Papers





Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number